
It just occurred to me that Mitch McConnell is the same age as Joe Biden, and nobody ever says that Turtle McFuckface is too old for his job.

The Palpatine cackle at 0:36 when McGrath points out the Senate left in the midst of the pandemic.... shudders.

“Senator, people are dying, they need monetary assistance, and you are hypocritically pushing a far-right religious nutto onto the Supreme Court. Your response?”

Trump is a bumbling oaf of an evil fuck that can’t die soon enough.
But Moscow Mitch on the other hand is a far greater type of evil fuck who has orchestrated this death spiral for democracy over decades of sinister plotting.
Can’t even find words vile enough to accurately describe that rancid cunt. If he was dragged

I do not believe in hell, but if I did I’m pretty sure Mitch has a front row seat there. 

I want either the moderator or McGrath to ask him what he’s smiling and laughing about and compel him to come up with an answer. It’s like when misogynists make a sexist “joke”: what’s funny? Explain the “joke” to me. Explain what is amusing about your constituents losing their jobs, losing their healthcare, and

Thank god! I thought I was the only nine who didn’t know how to answer replies properly. I miss the discourse too. Just can’t be faffed or scroll down and reply to each commenter on my phone. 

Can I just say how happy it makes me when I see someone who knows the difference between ‘flout’ and ‘flaunt’?

After Trump’s diagnosis, I was afraid Biden would catch it, with Trump yelling and spitting all over the place.  It’s a good thing he didn’t do that “stalking” thing he did to Hillary, looming up behind her like that.  Eww.

I have no problem believing he doesn’t want the Town Hall format. He can’t answer questions from real people.

It’s also working hard to reduce discussion. Clicking on @replies in your profile used to take you directly to the reply. Now, to get to those notifications, you have to:

Whenever I see someone either maskless or sneezing/coughing, I walk away. The droplets will suspend in air for a while, fanning or not. For me, burning some time is better than the other thing.

Even if it’s ‘just’ the flu coughing in people's faces is NOT OKAY.

Trump is such a stunt queen. I’m glad the Biden campaign is treating him as such. It’s pitiful to watched a washed-up actor not realize that they’ve overstayed their welcome and that the whole thing is already over. He’s like a junkie on his last leg chasing the dragon.

But of course Trump is pissed about this and he can’t let it go. Though Biden agreed to a virtual debate on Thursday—given the president’s recent covid diagnosis—Trump refused, insisting that he’s well enough to debate in person.

I like a good theory. And fuck it, I won’t call it a conspiracy theory. I’m surprised that I didn’t consider this. Thanks.

I understand that the first debate sucked to watch, but it was great for Biden. Nothing hurts Trump more than letting him make an ass of himself on TV. I have no problem with the second debate being cancelled, but Trump would have almost certainly shot himself in the foot (again) if they’d had it.

Trump made his fears apparent during a phone interview. He said he wouldn’t debate remotely “because, you know, they can cut you off.”

The reason why the Trump campaign is flailing is that they planned on Trump, Melania and every other Trump campaign official infecting Biden on September 29th — my Bday — at the debate. They hoped Biden would get seriously ill and require hospitalization while Trump would remain asymptotic and continue being asshole