
It’s products for vaginas named after a slang term for vaginas. Ironic* would be a line of menstrual products named For Men Only.

I thought it was really sweet, not creepy. the piece of the score the used - “Kids” - is very evocative of the ST aesthetic. also the vertical frame works beautifully on Instagram, it’s just wonky on YouTube.

No, it’s a kid.  His/her dumbassery is probably mainly his/her parents’ fault at this point.

Because being able to protest like that is a luxury. They’re rising talents and the studios that financed their film expect them to show up and do the whole dog and pony show.

Just to add context here, American and British reviews of J’accuse are generally like, “Ok, yeah, this is fine. Not great, maybe even very good, solidly and well made—fine.” It’s in the 70s on Rotten Tomatoes.

Holy fuck this is like, the lamest thing EVER. I’m so angry about this I want to find this guy and punch him in the balls. WHAT THE FUCK, MY DUDE. YOU WERE THIRTY-THREE. DO BETTER.

Check out the Trumpster’s hate face when National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Anthony Fauci stated the FACTS about a COVID-19 vaccine yesterday:

Speaking as a Black person, skin folk ain’t kinfolk. Every Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemima who support the white supremacist in office will have their day. Until then, keep your eyes on the prize and vote 45 out of office in November, no matter what.

She really was, and thank you so much. <3 And yes, that was VERY MUCH my parents. My internal monologue through the whole affair was like, “ha ha ha wth, is that a guy dressed up like a gorilla? it totally is. he’s coming this way. wow he’s really coming right over here, I wonder wh— oh, shit.”

Cooning” is when a self-hating African-American plays the fool for a White audience in exchange for the limited social acceptance the latter are willing to give within their racial hierarchy.

You win, and I am so sorry. She must have been a spectacular mom to send a gorilla to your marching band practice, though. Legendary parent behavior. 

On the day of my 40th, I signed my mom’s DNR paperwork.

It’s been confirmed hundreds of times now—woman, the handicapped, veterans, and even little girls are legitimate targets of right-wing-fuckwits.

FUUUUCCCKKKKK!!!! This happened in my city. The guy who own the company is a piece of shit. On twitter yesterday not only did he make the “she’s 17" comment but he doubled-down and totally said that there was no big deal to the sticker and that “it’s funny.” His company is totally responsible for them.

Ooh, such big strong men! They showed her!

The Alabama of Canada

Incoming jackass dropping trou and somehow blaming everyone else for ‘using’ her as if she was some kind of mannequin and ignoring everything thats been said by her or anyone else in 3.....2....

Coronavirus is not that bad as long as you don’t deliberately botch measures to deal with it.

Even if it’s not the virus - anyone who has lived through the last 3 years and thinks for a hot second that Trump and his team are going to allow an election to proceed if it looks like he is probably going to lose is not paying attention.

Ugh, no. She knew who Jeffrey Epstein was, and she took his money anyway. She is defending Andrew as the best man she knows, all while she knows he is shady as hell. She is all about how to get money and status for herself. I do think that back in the day the tabloids treated her badly, but she is not a good person.