
This is /muy triste/ for /nuestra hermana/ Jeanine.

“Safety concerns” at Warwick’s in La Jolla. I literally saw Mitt Romney at a nearby gas station, Flatiron.

I just want to share John Paul Brammer’s parody, because he’s been subtweeting the book for weeks. He also does a gay latinx advice column Hola Papi with the best art.

God, he’s aggressively stupid. Aggressively.

So perhaps it’s the wake-and-bake, but I literally have no clue why he’s even using this? Why is he using Billy’s mind-blowing fabulousness to describe “me” when he’s talking about the kids of politicians (not that his pos father is really a politician)? Is it about the hat?

Dear whoever took this video/picture: Please send Donny Jr. a cease and desist letter, k, thx, bye.

Great example - thank you for reminding people of this.

She showed her true self when she stayed completely silent in the aftermath of the James Arthur Ray tragedy, whom she promoted heavily. Ray was the conman whose sweat lodge killed three people and injured more than a dozen others. You know damn well at least some of those people were there only because he had the

To be fair, though, Frankenstein is a good book.

I’m over Oprah, I have been for a long time. Just about everything she says comes across as pontificating. She trots out self described “experts” that are nothing more than quacks. She’s been about body positivity blah blah blah for decades but now she buys Weight Watchers or is a big stake holder in it?? Not to

Read the reviews before you come down here with your punditry about how reviews aren’t real reviews anymore, my dude. The reviewers are pretty clear that Dirt is a bad novel, in large part, because the stereotypes are so bad and so prevalent. You can’t excuse that kind of racism and view the writing apart from it when

Read Luis Urrea and the other authors who Cummins credits with “inspiring” her.

ha ha ha no, don’t expect rights to work both ways. Rights are only for the people they want to have rights. Don’t be silly. 

Hitchcock was pretty clever when it came to getting around the code. Like how he got around the rules about kissing with Notorious.

I noticed! They really telegraphed it with Oscar Isaac’s shaved head + big hipster beard... It still surprises me that some viewers interpreted him as the protagonist and not the villain.

Well done, Kelly.

Rebecca is one of my favorite books...but Maxim is the WORST. The older I get the more I desperately hope that the narrator will come to her senses and run screaming in the opposite direction when he starts in on her in Monte Carlo.

Ex Machina was the Bluebeard story on film, though no one seemed to notice.

My friend wrote a game based on Bluebeard’s Bride and they are winning so many great awards this year!

The Met’s production a few years ago of the Bluebeard opera was chilling and visually arresting, especially with the native Hungarian bass doing the opening narration. It is the definition of a cautionary tale, but as art, oh, I loved it.