
“The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and all of Indian Country will be forever grateful to the Obama administration for this historic decision,” he said.

Ha! That’s what Laurence Olivier suggested to Dustin Hoffman,” My dear boy, why don’t you just try acting?”.

I can not applaud SNL for making fun of Trump seeing as when they invited him on the show they helped normalise him.

You seem surprised Donald Trump has no time for intelligence.

I’m sure Baldwin never imagined that this would be his lasting contribution to the world. 

It brings me great comfort that Alec Baldwin keeps doing this impersonation with the sole purpose of getting under Trump’s skin.

He has been declining to take intelligence briefings because of his busy schedule, yet he can tweet weekly reviews of SNL???? I can’t anymore.

Not making fun of BLACK hair. Making fun of UGLY hair. Big diff.


Aren’t Santa’s key physical components his bushy white beard, his jiggly belly, and his twinkling eyes? What the hell does the color of his skin have to do with any of those things? What is wrong with people?

I think because it was the first time at the Mall of America.

It wasnt cute, hes not cute and I wish people would stop glorifying him and his drug use. Just because he sings in falsetto doesn’t mean he sings well. Goddamn, I wish for the old days of r&b singers not this blow and skinny models typa shit.

These are kids; telling a trusted adult is not a “wasted step”, and it also allows her some accommodation from the school, so she doesn’t have to ride the same bus with him or whatnot. Give the girl a break- she did nothing wrong. No one can ever be a victim perfectly enough to meet everyone’s standards.

I’m glad Struggle Jackson cut his hair. It was terrible. I’m not a fan of bongo dreads. Especially if there’s no religious incentive behind them. That at least I can understand.

The devil doesn’t need an advocate. Not here. Not now.

That one blew my mind... You wanted equality for women and you voted for the accused rapist, “Locker room talking” man over a powerful woman? The fuck was going on in that head?

So he’s treating the President of the United States like a gym teacher treats a fat kid?

“As things trickle down...” that guy should look up where we get that saying from.