
I can’t imagine Melania has any intention of fulfilling the duties— or even an idea what they are — of being First Lady.

She did not sign on for this. He was supposed to keep her in upscale accommodations and the gossip pages. Not the White House and the headlines.

Not to generalize, but I’m sure most women who marry old sacks of crap like Trump are eventually hoping to be wealthy widows. Becoming First Lady must be the worst possible outcome for Melania.

“...Melania is extremely close to Baron,” the source told the Post, “and they have become closer during the campaign...”

None, but there’s a rumor that Barron’s autistic.

Follow-ups: how much is this going to cost us as taxpayers? And how much is this going to cost Midtown businesses?

None. In fact it’s going to put a YUGE stress on the Secret Service. West wing addressed this in detail with President Elect Santos.

She was hoping she’d be free of him November 9th. Instead, she’s stuck for another 4-8 years.

So.... this is unprecedented ? yes? like how many other families have done this?

I agree with the other posters. It will hurt less and less. I dated a guy (who I didn’t really like) about the same amount of time as you and, when he broke up with me, I couldn’t eat and couldn’t sleep either. It was the shock of it all.

It will be ok. You will be ok. Don’t let this bring you down, you will find someone who deserves you and makes you happy. *hugs*

I passed a beat up Ford Ranger earlier today that had a noose hanging from the rear view mirror and a huge confederate flag across the entire back window. I fucking hate this town, I hate this country, I hate this world. And if I see one more goddamn conservative boohooing about how CRASS and RUDE it was for the

So I promised all week for an SNS thread to chat about the Women’s March on Washington! Where things are at right now, I guess it should be expanded to include other actions. So if you’ve got info to share, or if you want to just chat about your activism, or if you want to organize a Jezzie meet-up in Washington, this

youre thirty-great.

Did Trump just request a safe space?

Don’t forget that as governor of Indiana—THIS FUCKING YEAR—he signed a bill (thankfully thrown out by a human being of a judge) that would require women to hold funerals for fetuses not carried to term. HE’S A MONSTER!

Why would Pence bother seeing Hamilton? Does he not even know what it’s about?

I don’t know what you think you did, but me and mine don’t deserve any of this. And neither did those who threw away their votes in protest, even if they don’t realize it yet. Make it right in 2018 y’all. Quick question to all of us professionals and business owners: what are you going to do with your inevitable

“There’s a word for what your mom does?”

The only acceptable role for Andy Cohen would be as moderator for a presidental debate. For all of his faults, we’ve seen from the Housewives reunions that he always brings receipts and isn’t afraid of calling out fibbers.