
It me.

Without giving anything away, Leslie Knope is a huge Sarah McLachlan fan. If anything, you didn’t suggest enough Sarah McLachlan songs for the uninitiated. Leslie Knope would have linked to all of them. And made a mixed tape. And hand-delivered it. And stayed to watch you listen to them.

Now playing

Naw, Leslie’s just a big fan. Like, the biggest!

Wait, I don’t get it. I still need to watch Parks & Rec!

Technically, that sheep has just had its spinal cord crushed and partially removed—it may simply be relieved it can no longer register pain in certain parts of its body, and perhaps is enjoying the adrenaline being pumped into its system.


I know the feeling.

As a child, I had her music as a piano book and I would play them and sing. My parents used to make me sing Sarah MacLachlan song for guests as I begged them to please not make me.


Better than giving. He’s matching donations up to a total of $100k. If you sign up to give monthly (as little as $5), he’ll donate $50 in your name.

Glad to see Jess Whedon is donating to Planned Parenthood.

My long term abuser is a dedicated ocean swimmer and every time someone gets eaten by a shark I hope its him.

I hate that we are socialized to say “I don’t wish him harm” when coming out with stories of abuse. If you don’t, great, do you. But women shouldn’t be pressured to prove a “pure” motive for sharing their experiences. You're allowed to wish that the person who raped you get hit by a bus.

I loved her bit where she was Jamie Lannister’s henchwoman on the Game of Thrones skit.

Funny ... when Buddhists and Hindus spend lives in simplicity and contemplation, it's considered deep and meaningful. When Catholic women do it, it's considered weird and repressed. How dare they decide to devote their lives to a spiritual quest and serving others when they could be focusing on clothes, shoes, money

But chasing a pigskin sphere around a lawn is worth $10 million a year.

They were my aunt’s favorite order*! I got soooo many cards during finals in college telling me they were praying on my behalf.

Is irrelevant to this discussion because no one coerced these women or exploited them, and sure-as-fuck nobody is profiting off them. But hey, its edgy and hip to dismiss any form of devotion and discipline as a cult, so good on you for having the penetrating insight of a smarmy 18-year old.

Wow, it’s amazing how quickly this complaint got old.