
Sorry you are having a terrible evening. Sending internet hugs.

This surely has to be cotd! And so I have nominated it.

I'm stuck in suburban Louisiana too! Let us headdesk together! 1 2 3...

Done and done. Thank you! (I feel more of a Jezzie now that I've done my first cotd, YAY!)

As a recent(-ish) immigrant from the UK to the US, I really miss our loos. Since I've moved here I have a recurring nightmare where I need to go but the stalls don't have doors... Seems like a lack of toilet-time privacy is really affecting my sub-conscious.

THIS. I started working at an elementary school this year, and was moaning to the teachers' about how I was catching every passing virus (3 head colds and 2 stomach flus in 6 weeks), and one said "just wait til the UTIs start" and everyone nodded their heads sagely. So unless it's a case of mass hysteria, I really

Ask the French. They bloody love suppositories. Made my brief stint as an au-pair rather embarrassing when I got ill, and had a hard time explaining in my rather bad French why I really didn't want THAT medicine that the kids' DAD was offering me. My teenage self is still blushing.

Oh my goodness this made me laugh so hard, which is kind of awkward as I'm at work... but thanks all the same.

The answer is 3) White Lightning in the park! No? Just me then....

I don't know how to #cotd this properly, but somebody who knows should definitely do that!

Me too! My periods used to knock me out for 3 days, writhing in agony while taking bucket loads of tramadol. I asked my gyno about it and she just said "well just hope you get pregnant straight away". Which wasn't particularly helpful.

Yeah, see the thing is, it irritates us because it's just annoying. Both my maternal grandparents are Irish, but I am not. And when people here (in the states), say dumb stuff like "I love Guinness and Baileys because I'm Irish" it drives me up the bloody wall, because more often than not they can't even name which

I don't have much to offer regarding visa stuff (unless you want to go to Russia and then I can be super helpful) but you have Welsh roots and I am Welsh and that is awesome! Go there, it is beautiful and lovely and just wonderful and green and it does rain a lot, but that helps make it so green. I have been in

Oh my goodness, I read "Huge- probably 3 feet wide, at least. Practically life size, I would think. Cleaner to own than a real peacock, I would think. " as referring to a baby's first poop and it blew my mind, and gave me the giggles which I was sorely in need of tonight. Thank you!

I think the intent behind that sentence was "not to trivialize suicide", at least that's how I read it.

And for this you are hearted.

My husband looked like that kid when he was that age too! I am perhaps less glad that they look nothing alike now... I kid, I kid.

Spinsters in the City.

I'm giving the benefit of the doubt to No-Mi Skye that the intention behind that is "gays and gay-friendly", but I do see your point there. No-Mi Skye, care to clarify?

Uh oh. Guess I'm in trouble as I let those evil doctors remove both my gall bladder and my appendix. I should retroactively name and mourn them, rest in peace Garry and Alan.