Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

There was a woman driving next to me at a two-into-one situation and I’d let the guy in front go so I wasn’t going to let her go too. She keeps trying and I’m looking at her and gesticulating like I’m doing a zipper (on my jacket of course). She’s looking mystified and still trying to get in when the guy sitting next

On boxing day a few years back I was driving to walmart to get some kitty litter. Traffic was insane, and was bumper to bumper everywhere, moving mind you, but cars everywhere.

This morning, I was driving the posted speed limit. Without doing anything special, myself and other drivers were able to box her in for a couple of miles.

I buy a nonrunning project car for $700.

A few years ago a group of us went to Montreal for the Grand Prix. We got up around Thursday, began serious drinking as soon as we hit the hotel and by Saturday afternoon we decided to nurse our hangover with a trip to an indoor karting track. We were rather disheveled looking and once at the track the thoughts of the

This woman this morning apparently didn’t understand how to merge, she seemed to think if she tail gates the person in front of her that the merging lane cars will just go away.

This story kinda makes me seem like a dick, and I was a dick. However, the satisfaction endorphin dump was FANTASTIC.

This was a story told to me by my grandfather. When younger my grandparents would do a lot of RV’ing. E450 or E550 based RV (can’t remember which), very last year Ford sold the ye olde 460 engine with the commercial E-series cutaway. So you know the RV you get stuck behind in the middle of nowhere with the cruise

And before you beat me up on reliability - I’d be willing to bet most F1 engines see more miles (and certainly more demanding miles) than the average Bugatti engine ever sees.

I’m not butthurt. I’m just pointing out that you’re a moron since you clearly don’t understand what is happening in the video. Sorry if that offends you.

You’re clearly mentally challenged. The BRZ was hit at the 0:25 second mark. He doesn’t even begin accelerating after the Camry until the 0:36 second mark, and the clip ends at the 0:40 second mark. The only car that could close that gap in four seconds WOULD be a Koenigsegg. It’s also apparent from the audio that he

1st, your attention should be focused ahead of you so you have enough time to react to changing conditions. Your peripheral vision is what you use to catch idiots changing lanes into you.

Passing on the right is not illegal. Especially when some asshole is cruising slower than you in the left lane. There IS a law that says, and I quote, ‘SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT’ - it’s usually posted in the same white-and-black style as speed limit signs, which people also ignore but somehow have less of a problem

You americans are such pussies with that passing on the right shit.

You aren’t a nascar driver, you need to also worry about things happening on the right of you.

This topic comes up on every one of the videos like this, and I honestly don’t know how you “don’t pass on the right” people get through a single day on the road, let alone your entire lives, without being in a lane that happens to go faster than another lane. Unless you just camp out in the right and go well below

Have the balls to say it. But I guarantee you, whatever group you pin this on, it ain’t it. There are asshole hit and runner from every group of socioeconomic status.

It is possible, but that’s not the case here. You’re just a pot-stirring moral soapboxer looking to play the contrarian blame game for god knows what reason. Yes, driving defensively is nice when people want to do it but nobody is in the wrong for operating well within their rights to not behave like a skittish

He was continuing to drive in his lane, maintaining speed, and the Camry driver slowed down and merged into him. What are you smoking?

Yes, because passing on the right is worse than DWI.

“in fairness....”