Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

Hood Trump seems to be missing a few chromosomes there...

Burning a tarnished Roadmaster is kind of like throwing rocks at an injured bald eagle, no?

Even politics must never break the rule that you do NOT fuck with a man’s car no matter how much you hate his awful, awful choice of president.

Shhhh.... You’re not supposed to tell people about the MK3s until AFTER I get one

...and every time you mention or bring this up to a Trumpet, you get accused of being a sore loser and told to “get over it”.

Somebody needs to put this plow driver in touch with Cadillac. He seems like just the right sort of “real people” they’re looking for in their new advertising blitz

And that tire looks brand new. Think they could fix it if they got the core sample back?

Burger Motorsports tune will take you to 328i power levels for 600 bucks.

There is no vulcanization process associated with this repair because they are not retreading the tire.

Nah, they call her the top tech something in the trailer. She’s got a chip in his head or something like that. And the only thing that can block the signal is the points off a ‘69 F-100.

Surprisingly not to dissimilar from repairing regular radial tires with patches or plug patches. Prepping the puncture hole, outlining the repair area, grinding and buffing the inside area..

Could also be metal fatigue from driving repeatedly over sharp, jagged rocks.

He doesn’t know about the three strings. LOL.

Who says it’s not what the country stands for?

This is a bizarre take on things, if there are people trying to destroy what the country stands for then you’re not being “non-inclusive” by not acknowledging them, they excluded themselves. There are homegrown terrorists here who’d like to help ISIS destroy America, I don’t hear anybody saying that we have to include

This is a really important point to make and one that you’d think Americans were starting to understand given that a joke who puts on irange make up every day just became President. The Nazis were seen as a bunch of ineffectual clowns when they first appeared on the scene. It only took a few short years for them to

It’s really noticeable how the Trump Trolls who like to come here are more intent on rubbing Trump becoming president into peoples faces than they are in anything else. What’s it like having resentment and gloating as your guiding philosophies in life?

Would that be because of their lack of solid thinking skills?

It’s easy to underestimate Nazis. Referring to Hitler and his party:

Who the fuck thinks that “we all stand together in union WITH FUCKING NEO-NAZIS” was a sound, logical thing that actually happens? Are they that fucking dense? It’s like if Volkswagen 1939 were to release car commercials with Jews standing side by side with Heinrich fucking Himmler. No one is going to stand “in union”