Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

In my darker moments, stuff like this makes me want to put a little burner phone connected to plastique and an explosive charge under my car’s gas tank. Y’know, as a little “How d’you do” to thieving thieves.

My thoughts exactly. No lugging the engine, giving it more gas to get going and then trying to control the engine revs as it comes off high load/incline. That’s not to say I disagree with what the posters above said about suspension, etc., but the electric motor definitely looked much smoother and more easily

This is also a good demonstration of why drifting is faster on loose surfaces than keeping your line neat and tidy, when the opposite is true on pavement. It also helps that Drift Mode softens the suspension, which lets you chuck the weight of the car back and forth more effectively for better Scandinavian flicks and

I think the test was about how smoothly it was crawling not about whether it could do it or not. If you watch the diesel and gasoline ones they have to rev and then surge forward while the electric just keeps smoothly going forward.

If only there was something in history that also used hybrid power around water......

I get this with my 924. People see it, it says Porsche on it, it looks sleek, sports car-y, it’s a little loud (hole in exhaust), I get asked just about every time I mention I have a Porsche, “Is it fast?”, I chortle a little, “about as fast as 100 hp of pure German fury can be, so basically no”. But still, I love

I hear they’ve been making submarines with electric motors in them for a few years...

Not if your driver is russian

That’s the great thing about electric propulsion, with decent seals you can drive fully submerged, no need for a snorkel.

The burn is strong with this one.

To be fair the housewife probably weighs less than you.

All about that torque. Got beaten off the line by a housewife in an i3 yesterday, that’s just life now for us gas burning Jalops.

They do have crazy running costs, but the super-rich are often used to playing in the personal jet/luxury yacht space as well. And the running costs for those make a Bugatti’s expenses seem reasonable.


Ferrari has made an artform of extorting their own customers. The LaFerrari being denied him in such a pissy way was probably just the last straw for him.

Not like it matters anyway. Most of those states also have severe obesity and thus heart disease and diabetes too.

Jesus. I wish I was so damned wealthy that I could forget the name of the last Ferrari I bought.

You writing skills shows the average intelligence level of the typical Trump supporter. Not very high I’m afraid...

Virtually every single leading scientific organization around the globe AND the US defense department both aknowledge global warming as well as the future threats it represents. Those are the facts.

The EPA also sees to it your air is clean and your water is safe to drink and free of dumped chemicals. Do you really want them dismantled and us going back to a pre-EPA environment?