Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

High revving? Clearly you don’t understand turbo engines...


It’s the same story over here in Utah. I switched from a v8 to a ecoboost and it is much better going up mountain passes.

Colorado resident here. I'm loving the turbo engine. More power for us less oxygen guys. This thing will destroy the old model at mile high altitude

Honestly I’m not a truck guy, but I can’t help but turn and look at a Raptor when I see one on the road. If I were in the market for a pickup, it would likely be a Raptor, and I sheepishly admit I’d pay this price for one. My only worry would be how much more likely it is to get stolen here in Texas than my luxury car.

Yes it does.

...turbo lag?

I crashed a B-52 bomber 9 times before I could stick the landing.* Never crashed after that, though, except when we tested malfunctions.

Back in the old country in 92', we (2 girls and I) were going to a party out of a farm house. Took the last bus to the middle of nowhere, “we will hitchhike the rest of the way” was the plan, except this is Hungary, 11:00 pm in the middle of farmland bumfudge nowhere, zero traffic, the last bus left, and we still had

I once went to jail for rescuing a teenager from riding under the glass hatch of an FA RX-7.

I got a call that a friend of mine had broken down in his first gen RX-7 on the way to a rock concert. I grabbed my tow strap, and went to tow him home from a nearby town in my F150. When I found my friend parked at a

Stories like yours bro keep me from buying an Allroad.

Like she did this before this incident? You do that in my car and I dont care if you dont have a gag reflex, I am leaving you on the side of the road. No pussy is worth dying for.

Disclaimer, I know this was stupid on my part: an ex of mine liked to shift my 330ci while I drove (ifunowatimean), and this one time, while we were getting on the freeway at about 75 she shifted from 3rd to 2nd. It was not unlike this. My rear tires locked up and we got a little sideways... So stupid... again, me...

Picture of your “Friend”.

You should get a new friend.

I think you need to reevaluate your friend selection abilities.

It’s not material to the stock price if someone dies in a car accident. More people will die because people die when they drive. But the math has already proven that people are more likely to die driving if they don’t have autopilot. It is not an opinion. Simple math, miles driven per fatal accident occurred.

“I’m skeptical they’d have nearly the sales and pre-orders they’ve had if it wasn’t for his charisma.”

“ I don’t think they’re part of some shadowy evil business mafia looking to topple new players ”

Without wanting to get into a protracted back-and-forth, I’ll simply say that I’d agree with you if Tesla actually did something fraudulent.