Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

The truth behind the discovery of warp field technology finally comes to light!

Pretty sure that an engine requiring 93 as a minimum would be sporting 14-15:1. Which is a *bit* more than a half point bump from the 10-11:1 most engines run these days

You forgot the problem all engineers face - people are inherently stupid. You can make an econobox designed to run on 93 only, with a 14-15:1 CR, capable of 50+ mpg, and sell it for 20k. That’s easy (relatively). The hard part is dealing with the “lemon” lawsuits from your average mouth-breathing car-buyer who always

The person paying $4/gallon, and it’s frankly un-American to force it upon them

Ignoring the blindingly-obvious fact that you’ll be burning less of the expensive fuel, leaving you either at par, or (more likely) with reduced fuel costs/mile...

Mon Mothma was a political figure, not an officer. Leia, one could argue that one as a mixing of political and military (ROTJ and TESB she’s in combat fatigues like the rest, ANH she’s in her princess getup) roles, given her status and history with the Rebellion, New Republic, and the Resistance. Still silly, but one

The only flaw there is that the navicomputer might forbid such an action, and the autopilot might not jump without a navicomp.

Let’s not forget Palpatine on Coruscant calling Vader on Hoth as well. Either relay satellites are involved (HoloNet), or the transmitters are powerful enough for that distance even in a compact form.

Leia was a) a princess, and b) a diplomat. We saw other officers in uniform on the bridge, having Holdo in her ballroom finery really doesn’t make sense

That thought crossed my mind too. “Vice Admiral, where’s your Admiral’s uniform?”.

That was explained as the Rebel fleet being out of range of the supporting fire from the Destroyers.

On one hand, yes. On the other hand, other ships are on deployment elsewhere, and would take time to arrive. The ships nearby were the escort fleet for Smoke’s dreadnaught. Sending off your escorts would be an excellent way to get your flagship ganked.

There’s two ways to look at it though. One is that, in the conventional sense, if both hunter and hunted are accelerating at similar rates, and the hunted runs out of fuel, while it coasts, the hunter will catch up because it’s still accelerating.

Interdictors are mentioned in the “canon” animated series Rebels, and play a pretty key role in most SW games (pre-disneyfication). Smaller ones based off an Enforcer-class light cruiser hull, larger ones using the ISD hull.

Meanwhile, a Y-Wing would have armed proton torpedoes, not explode at the slightest provocation, and be able to dogfight its way out afterwards (albeit ungracefully). Also wouldn’t be using a gravity-based launch mechanism in space.

Not just that, but hangars have blast doors on top of their magcon fields - what sort of idiot would open them before the fighters are ready to launch when you’re being pursued by a Star Destroyer fleet and its TIE wing?

4x113/114 is what 2nd gen Supras run, IIRC. Might be worth checking their forums for wheel/tire options as well

100% renewable hydroelectric power in QC! Just because you’re stuck with a third-world power grid, doesn’t mean that everyone else is ;)

“MR2's, snap oversteer”. Basically the tl;dr of comments by people who haven’t driven an MR2. It’s not some mythical monster that will smite you at random; don’t try to act like its a computerised GTR, respect the mid-engine, and you’ll be fine.

Rear subframe swap - earlier cars (90-92) had a different rear subframe with shorter control arms (iirc), not sure what else was involved, but they are a lot sharper (and unforgiving) than the later years.