Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

That’s disappointing. My stock supercharged AW11 does the 0-60 in ~6.6s, and weighs in at ~2470 lbs (1120 kg), and I’m pretty sure my old NA did it the high 8's with a whopping 112 hp.

I mean, it looks like a good car on paper... But if you want mid/rear engined fun, for $55k, you could buy 11 good AW11's, 5 mint

The only thing those “geniuses” showed is that they could stoop to a lower level that some of VW’s management. I’m no fan of the company or its recent “history” but I’m firmly in das deutsche corner when it comes to dealing with these shitlers. Save the crybaby tag for the manchild TDI owners :)

I had black dip on my old Camry. Some friends had the same idea, came by my parts-clerk job and drew dicks all over it while I was dealing with a customer. I had to deliver pizzas right after my parts-clerk shift... Still have a picture of the artwork one of them uploaded somewhere

That is a terrible, terrible joke...

Well, AWD does corner better than 2WD in certain circumstances...

That’s because we’re the civilised part of North America!

That’s ok, I don’t want Porsche being associated with cheapskates who try to nickel and dime every deal and get sour when they can’t... And I’m pretty sure their branding department doesn’t want that either :)

How many people on twitter have the influence and finance to actually try and get something like this off the ground?

Well, if it was a Ferrari, it would self-immolate, but as it’s a Lambo, it’s probably just going to wind up wrapped up around a pole, down the street from a night-club.

simply hurt those many in those red states who voted for cheetoe McFuckface

gas tax hurts poor people hardest because they drive the oldest crappiest cars.

It’s almost as if you’ve never heard of Hydro...

It’s like any other place, you’ve got the people who put them on in October as a precaution, the people who put them on once the temperature goes below 0, and the special snowflakes who wait until the deadline because *reasons*.

Starts December 15th, actually. Even so, this was mostly ice with a thin layer of snow over it, so even with winters, it’s quite slippery.

Only as of December 15th, technically

Probably because it’s flat enough that you can see Hinton from Medicine Hat if you squint hard enough ;)

Confirming the ice, I drove from Beaconsfield to Cote Vertu this morning, and it was interesting to say the least, even on winters... Good fun once I ditched the traffic and took the industrial zone behind the Technopark though!

Montrealler here, it’s not the snow that was an issue, it’s the thin layer of ice underneath that formed first. Was an interesting drive in this morning to say the least...

But there are benefits to learning them!