Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

Problem with that is thermodynamics & conservation of energy. The amount of energy you need to operate the cooling system to that level is not insignificant, especially when you factor in the operational heat generated by the unit. I'm gonna try work out the math when I get home, it's piqued my curiosity!

agree and disagree. I'm working on a major in physics, and this design looks like it's missing components and dumbed down...

I can sort of believe it with regards to the exige - they started selling one last year IIRC with the supercharged 3.5 V6, and I can tell you, that kind of power in a car weighing about 1000kg (2200 lbs) is stupidly quick, and the supercharger gives low end grunt as well. I wouldn't be terribly surprised to see that

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the actual name for this configuration of aircraft an "autogyro"?

Either way, pretty sweet machine!!

Depends on who you ask. As someone from Montreal, I can tell you that there are still butthurt French people over losing a war to the Brits/ROC, we even have it on our license plates... Fortunately, my mr2oc plate frame covers that bit of stupidity :)

sitting in office at 8:30 am, finds article and submits it to Jalop, and they post it!!!

I'm thinking "Stratos" when I see that b-pillar

But it still looks good!

Eh, questionable. It's really all about the power/weight and putting power down - AWD Rallycross cars (and some unrestricted WRC cars) can actually do 0-60 in sub-2 seconds, and various Group B cars were doing it in 2.4 on dirt (Delta S4). I'm sure there's some aftermarket-modified Evos and STi's that can do it as

Dodge Viper! :D

Somewhat agreed... But those cars are significantly lighter, and most of them have some sort of prep prior to a run (A burnout at a drag-strip will warm up your tires, but I doubt you'd do that at a red light). For a street-legal and well equipped rwd car to do 2.9 is bonkers though. I'd agree that we're reaching the

Agreed. On one hand, cheap power is a great thing, but on the other hand, do we really want 707hp sedans that any bob, dick, or tom can buy? You'll have the actual car guys... but then there'll also be the ones who only want it because it's the top-of-the-line car, and will wrap it around a tree within 6 months

Don't forget power/weight ratios + weight transfer also play a role - that lower 60-100 could be because the Hellcat's restricting power via stability/traction control. I'm still fairly impressed by that 0-60, for a 2wd car that's ridiculous, it's not that long ago that the only cars doing sub-3 were the Veyron, the

I could go for the M3/M4, buuuut seeing as I already have a pair of MR2's, I feel the RC-F would fit in the driveway a lot better... and for track-days, it would be the car staying home; not much can be quicker on a track than 330whp in a mid-engined car weighing 1000kg (2200lbs). ;)

Mr2 owner, can confirm. My second mr2 war a rustbucket. I still got disgusted when someone dinged my doors, it's feels like stepping in Audi/Chevy/Infiniti branded dog crap. Sort of joking but not really. I would flip if someone dinged my turbo or the supercharged though, but that's why I make sure to park in a way

"because most turbo engines sound like crap"

Assad might be an asshole, but he's not attacking anyone outside his borders nor issuing threats. ISIS on the other hand, was, and appears to have a bigger rap sheet. I'd say that preventing assad's country from falling into the hands of ISIS, who would likely use the new resources to continue expanding is most

city workers are trying to protest a new law that brings down their pensions to a 50-50 split (half paid by them, half by the government). Lots of drama around here because of that, and the fact that a bunch of officers rioted (not over hockey) hasn't really endeared them to anyone.

Nasa's budget is a drop in the bucket compared to what you guys spend on military upgrades. If you're going to bitch, bitch about that, not the 0.5% that contributes to the research of things that could help the planet (such as hydroponics).

Earlier commenter asked the same thing, it comes down to maintenance, both with techs who are used to working on Russian-designed equipment, and that the Russian stuff is apparently much simpler to repair in the field if needed (paraphrasing another guy).

Might have gotten a damn good deal too and possibly some

The only problem with us Canadians picking them up is that we're sitting in a pretty big deficit, last I checked... Not exactly the best time to go buy a pair of new assault ships.

Also, just saw your post about how the Russians were thinking of hauling migs in these - correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the launch