Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's


I hit it with my back-right corner - like I said, no damage to my old beigecar... BECAUSE BEIGECAR

I can sort of vouch for this - Backed into my neighbours Mazda6 last fall (with my Gen3 Camry). Front left corner of her car was caved in practically (I was doing <10 km/h), whereas my camry was fine (seriously. I had a tiny little scratch in my plastic bumper, and it's noticeable only if you're looking for it, in

Well, since this is a CAR DD, I'm going to go with a car so well known for its durability that, not only is it the vehicle of choice for taxi drivers and broke college kids, but also has the distinction of having survived both MY abuse (read: learning to drive stick, weekends at the drag strip, rallying in the winter,

wasnt there some issue how these things tend to catch fire/explode on a rear impact? something involving how part of the frame pierces the gas tank when hit from behind

Ouch, yeah, I know what you mean. In quebec, they're a lot less common - most dont get winter driven due to our shitty roads and high registration (plus its now illegal to bring new RHD cars into the province). I do want to pick one up, but that's more because I want something RWD, sporty, 6 cylinders, 4 doors (and

as a canuck who's been seeing these for the last 10 years, the fuss is well deserved, I can tell you that much

I dont know how that heart next to your name could still be white - I've taken measures to resolve this situation now! :)

Agreed. I honestly cannot believe this is jalopnik...

Not everyone wants a sporty car. and Eclipse? Really? Hope you like paying for crankwalk repairs. Accept that other people have opinions, and more importantly, whether or not you think something is attractive or not, doesn't give you the right to destroy it if it's not yours.

Um, how do I put this in a suitable manner... Ah, yes... FUCK!!! YOU!!!


It's a coupe...

you seem awfully confident. Whos to say your "productive" field won't get outsourced to India/China/Elbonia in 5 years? Just some food for thought

Im in quebec atm. More like $5.75 :D

Until it went bottom-up

It's a Ford Escape, 2nd gen

yep. lowest I've seen in the last year was 1.23 in hawkesbury...

Nothing will happen to you, I just has a massive sad now :<

Absolutely! Just send me price+ shipping, we can work something out!