Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

Bill is living the dream - good on you, my man!

@anitesh.jaswal: agreed. It really sucks for their family, and that I hope that the 2 survivors are alright.

@Arfdog: "That's so preposterous that it just may work!"

I came...

@Straight6er: hate to break it to ya, but it doesn't take superhuman speed - happened to me last fall (older camry, cruise got stuck - same effect as a jammed throttle). I'm here, alive, and my car is sitting in my driveway, in all it's beigeness. Just keep your head about you, and you're fine.

@HektikLyfe: I find this hard to believe - I own a 93 camry, which I know inside and out, and I've only had an issue once, when my cruise control stuck (hadn't been used in years, so it got some dirt stuck in there). Has a cable-controlled throttle-body, so it's impossible for that to happen unless a) you somehow

@nutbastard: I would promote this if I could; If you know how it works, it's far easier to deal with. Heartclick for you!

@N@tedog: I learned how to drive on a manual too. At the time, it was a bitch, but now I'm pretty grateful my parents forced me to.

@Engineerman: agreed, we need to have driving schools cover these types of situations

@j_a_k_e03: The brakes are hydraulic, boosted by the motor. The computer cant do anything other than trigger the ABS, because it's not feasible to have electrically-controlled brakes for a multitude of reasons. Scientific American did a special a few years back on some brakes that Audi came up with that were

@anitesh.jaswal: They do have that power. They have since 1992.

@jaball77: What were these other publications? If you say national enquirer, I will be disappoint...

@suzq044: Word. Clutch pedal ftw!

@KieselguhrKid: Ah, someone else who knows the quebec roads... There was a really bad strech near my house that had a series of alternating bumps and potholes - you couldn't go more than 30 if you wanted to stop at the sign, and in the winter, it was worse. It was repaved this summer though, so figure about 6-8 months

@Slizzo82: 69 is closer to 70... Nothing against your dad, but I've had a rash of close calls with elderly drivers lately, and I do feel that past 60, there should be an annual testing in order to keep your license (in public interest; if you're in good shape, then no worries, have a nice day, and if you're not, well,