
I mean, ever since EA killed off Skate there hasn’t been ANY legitimate skating games... so anything is better than nothing.

Someone died and your response is this? Have you been so inundated with the emotionless Internet culture that you would even type something like this? Shame on you.


he will be missed.

Rest in Peace

I guess she only likes Ricky Stenhouse Jr. tapping her from behind?

And this is why nobody likes Danica.......

Sounds like Deadpool to me!



Oh yeah, this was exclusive for the Comic-Con audience.

r/wow already fixed the poster.

Agreed, though we already knew that from the moment she was cast.

Amazing how you can tell that with no real information...wait, there is information out there. Like the fact that it has a LOTR level budget instead of a D&D movie budget. And the fact that an acclaimed young director who has shown his skill before is helming it. Etc, etc.

By raising a sociopathic asshole that was legally in their custody at the time that he committed several crimes, including calling in a terrorist threat that resulted in a major airline disruption.

Are you fucking serious? I give up

what are your interests? for example for me: /r/cars /r/motorcycles /r/spacex /r/woodworking /r/turning /r/space /r/photography /r/gonewi...nevermind

This. I rarely visit the subs that are “missing” from the front page. My own front page is populated with stuff I’m interested in, that doesn’t devolve, by default, into trolling, acrimony, and bigotry.

Reddit has 164MILLION unique visitors every month. Reddit is full of all sorts of people. Get off the front page and explore smaller subs and you’ll find some of the most intelligent, kind people you’ll ever interact with.

Reddit is legitimately full of the most self important toxic people ever. It’s also home to a huge variety of all manners of genius and hilarity. Don’t really know where I’m going with this comment, aside from the fact that I wish I could be looking at gaming memes and rolling my eyes at the awful comments right now.