Then watch both trailers. Overstrike is brightly colored and cartoony. Fuse is brown, gritty and no longer cartoony
Then watch both trailers. Overstrike is brightly colored and cartoony. Fuse is brown, gritty and no longer cartoony
A game that used to be vibrant and full of life turned into another brown and bloom shooter. Would have easily been a day 1 buy if it was still Overstrike. Now that it's Fuse I'm passing on it till it's $2o or less.
Exactly my thoughts.
Man, what happened to this game? When I saw the trailer for Overstrike I was so excited about it and couldn't wait to play it. Then I watch the trailer for Fuse and it just looks like another generic brown and bloom shooter
They should go to the "Buy, Rent, Avoid" system
Some super jumping
I remember having so much fun in Halo 2 doing Super Jumps and Sword Canceling/Butterflying out of maps/up high into locations you weren't normally able to get to.
I bought 3.
Awesome pic. I now have a new Wallpaper
Mods are probably the biggest reason I went to PC gaming. That and the Steam sales.
This is honestly the way to go. I mainly game on my PC and have my 360/PS3 for their exclusives and sports titles. Also have a 3DS (Never was interested in the PSP/Vita)
I bet you the computer I have now, that I built last year, will have better specs than the new Sony/MS consoles
That's pretty much what I do. Mainly game on my PC and have my 360/PS3 for their exclusives and sports titles (Im a sucker for Madden).
Picked up Max Payne 3 for $15.00 and RAGE for $5.00 on Steam today
But then you get into the problem of alienating your playerbase who's choice you didn't pick. And if we've learned one thing about the ME fans is that they get loud and angry about things they don't like/agree with.
I think it would have to either be a prequel or set sometime during the events of ME1-3. If they set if after ME3 it would require them to make one of the endings cannon, which would probably piss off a lot of people (again).
PC elitest huh? While yes, I do mainly game on my PC. I had 3 Xbox 360's at one point (still have 1) and I have a PS3 and still regularly play those systems weekly. But please, tell me how I'm a PC Elitest.
It's funny to read the comments of people who seemingly only game on consoles.
So it's a message board?