
"Need to know for...reasons" = tenuous congratulations? :)

Gina Torres would only be the BEST Wonder Woman. Yes.

A friend told me that she heard it's good for the mind/soul to enter a place and look at beautiful objects at least once a day. Not even material things, but just ideas or places that make you happy. That's what Pinterest has become for me - just a nice place to zone out and get my initial foothold in a nice daydream.

I've never made the connection... BUT... Rizzo looks exactly like Juliette Lewis!!! I call for a remake!

It's like... such mystery, such intrigue. As long as the luscious beats keep coming, anything can be under there. Sexy.

Yes, precisely. I'm pretty aware of how sensitive I let my "gut level feeling" be. And this video and song do not trigger it.

Not that it doesn't have sexist tones, absolutely. It's not like ZOMG INCREDIBLE paragon of tasteful representation, but it didn't seem too out of the ordinary for "heya we all so sexy" type of videos for these types of songs.

Yeah, I feel like I'm the only one not to buy into the "Blurred Lines is rapey" thing. I thought it was about flirtation. Just...straight up...flirtation, with a back and forth, and everything. Or weed.

I may have an explanation for the Utah thing. Mormon culture tends not to emphasize lavish ceremonies (most do it quietly inside a temple, at no cost [but the tithe you must pay to be eligible]), and a lot of the receptions are held inside totally average "cultural halls" (gyms) of church meeting houses, perhaps

Ahhhh YISSS. I loved this couple on television. So good, and so sad at the epilogue...

Also known as the Hey Arnold pants effect.

Yes, totally agree on going somewhere for a long period, to the point that you actualy make it yours. How lovely. Glad to have you :)

Yes! Great insight about behind-the-scenes work. It would be great to have a continuous social conversation about dad-parenting. I think it's the way to turn around the slothlike movement toward equal perception of parents' equal participation in childrearing. Baby steps! (pun intended)

Where did you go??? Inquiring minds wish to know.

Oh my goodness, teach me the ways. What industry are you in, if I may ask?

Williams Sonoma, by any chance?? I had a similar situation with Pottery Barn (they're sister companies... devilish, fiendish sister companies), where I worked for about 3 months longer than I really NEEDED to just for the sweater-like pillow covers on discount. ;)

Most commonly, it's a lubrication issue. Silicone based lube is the BEST (team Pjur!) and I will recommend it till the day I die. I recommend putting a drop or two inside the condom before putting it on, and plenty on top/sides/over as well.

That's totally an incredible reading of this.

Daaamn, I do know what's what, but it's hard to find a good, safe, and exciting fuck these days. XOXO Gossip Girl in Single Town.

It isn't German, but I think it's called the High Life. Wait, that's...beer...