
Isn’t that just the electronic park brake that lots of other cars have? I know in my Audi you activate it when you come to a stop, then just apply gas when you want to take off and it releases once you have enough traction to take off without rolling.

This is why celebrities (who are famous for reasons other than their reasoning and discourse) should never EVER be given a platform above anyone else. A good singer, for example, should not be able to influence anyone with anything but their music outside of their own personal social circle.

I don’t feel strongly about U2 either way, it all sounds like the same song, but I had fun reading the rant.

...must be an American thing.

Geez, that is horrific. Now, I'm fortunate to live in a place with pretty idyllic weather; never too hot in summer nor cold enough to snow in winter, so I have little experience with snow driving, but it seems to me like some of those cars were travelling a little too quickly for such poor visibility. Hell, I (and

Whoa... someone figured out how to draw hands!

All 'officials' involved should immediately have been dismissed pending criminal charges, including complicity in the sexual assault charges.

As we all know, nobody knows shit about anything that happened before they were born.

Freaky - depending on how I look at it, I see one or the other.

That awkward moment...