I would say that it's pretty clear that they know/knew how to use white paint since historically most of their product line was/is white including their current generation iPad
I would say that it's pretty clear that they know/knew how to use white paint since historically most of their product line was/is white including their current generation iPad
I'd rather spare the cars on my list the indignity of parading around in this colour (or pm yellow)
My wife must think we're rich
Do a test slam, see if the iPad falls off. I tend to slam my fridge door a lot, mostly because there's almost always nothing in it
According to GSMarena the KE850 was announced in January 2007 and got to market before the iPhone did, my memory is not that good so I'll have to depend on their info, so what I'm getting at is "way" is a relative word Justin and I'm not here to argue with you, I'm just saying that Apple didn't invent the capacitive…
P.S. There was no stylus either on the Prada, finger input only
I had a *Prada touchscreen phone with basically the same form factor as the iPhone way before the first iPhone was available
Wow, Giz, you guys have been getting a lot of heat recently and it seems as though it's about EVERYTHING.. Articles, layouts, too much Apple, not enough Apple, quality of your articles, what's going on around here?
I would have guessed Audi, their brand was in almost every action movie I saw over the last few years
Pantera De Tomaso….. You'll probably never see the front anyway
/Users/safrazali1/Pictures/Personal Pictures/COOL PICS/gullwing-america-300sl-panamericana-nose-close-main_w800.jpg
@Go Vols!: they'll cost an arm and a leg (:
I saw this the other day and I really, really want one……. For my son, yeah, for him
see… they hated their boss too
@KamWrex: it glows? SOLD
These ads are quite good but not nearly as creative as the Bing "Search overload" ads. That was a pretty damn good campaign IMHO
this is why I have no problem with Google taking over my life.