
Do these non-painted fang-looking slits on the front end bother anyone else? I just can't get past it, and I think it kills the look and flow of the car.

Maybe I would like it better if they were white? Or at least white on the bottom part of the bumper.

But power to weight though...

Now playing

I know I'm late, but I'm submitting this:

Now playing

I missed out yesterday on this, but I love this old Chevrolet video of how a manual transmission works, as well as describing how syncros work as well.

Wait, these used to be open-cockpit?

Jesus H.

Sounds about right.

What a pretty blue!

*Windows 10


And more importantly, less heat under the hood.

So...uh...where can I find a wallpaper-sized picture of this?

I can't wait to get a glimpse of this D!

That's the deal maker IMO. Does any other tuner offer a warranty like that?

Ugh. I love this color.

Better give that Matt Farah guy a call. I hear he's got a new fancy Xbox and a lot of Forza CR to blow.

This game may be the Forza enlivenment on PS4 for all I know. If you get a chance to play FH2, please let us know!

So cars, weather, and the club aspect aside, where would it rank compared to Forza Horizon 2? Better? Worse? FH2 is insanely fun, and I enjoy Forza 5 just as much but for different reasons. I can't think of a game that could be just as enjoyable as FH2 right now.

You never know, a cool coupe version could come later. Look at what they did with the CTS.

One of these was in my home state?! And for sale?!


When people say that Camaro concept and told GM to build it just like that, they listened, and sold a fuck ton of em.