
Unless they buy a majority of the seats on the flight.

Because it's already been made, so they can "change the game" by remaking it on TV, have Vince, the "King of Guns", or Steph/her hubby involved somehow for drama, make sure something doesn't work right away, but luckily it will be solved by Will finally paying attention to the project he cares so much about for a

I think that the commenter meant that this person really isn't the "visionary" that they are made out to be, as he has only produced two videos(out of 45) that broke a million views, despite the assertion in the first paragraph that it is a common, and happens in under 3 weeks. Just my opinion.

So did you find an acquaintance on the wall o' Polaroids?

And bear shorts?

100w of light=more clicks.

It's called a heatsink. I needs it.


What "temperature" CFL? Daylight? Bright? Soft?

The films? I have been crushing on her since the books.

No, I wouldn't trust them. Depending on your house/where it's located, they could degrade very quickly and become brittle.

Wasn't that Johnny Dangerously?

The hotel was hosting a Fringe con.

Now playing

There was one where they decided that no one ever made a Katana Machete before. I instantly looked in my end table and pulled out a then two year or so old copy of Special Projects:A Division of Cold Steel catalog and saw that they had one listed. Then I went to their website and saw that they have had a video of

Yeah. Claymores usually have two instructions written on them. Front Towards Enemy and Rear. They are like a box that shoots out ball bearings at tremendous speeds. So anything behind it is safe.

It's not pathetic. You need to think about how old his dorm is, and what kind of wiring he has in there. You can't have students fiddling around with wiring, because it's a fire hazard, and puts everyone in the dorms' life at risk. I had a college that had rules against Christmas lights because people usually put

Thanks for the info!

Is this the one that someone stole?

Wouldn't armor piercing rounds be just as well for a target behind a wall? IIRC, 50 cals have been used to hit targets behind walls for years.