

That's what it is. You place the bag in the hole, and put a "patch" over the top to protect it.

Are you sure it wasn't ink that bled through the paper, but was too light to see? Also, most furniture polishes will fluoresce, so maybe the polish had built up in those indents.

IIRC, all of the parts were bought by another company, which has been selling them to collectors and also making "new" cars from the NOS parts.

That coffin confuses me.

Well, even The Joker said it was a pen. Twice. I can easily put a ink cartridge in the hollow of a quill, so I would consider it a pen.

I agree. Ever since TweetDeck(Twitter) and others stopped offering automatic tweet lengthing, it usually requires you to visit a site to produce a tweet of any extra lentgh.

How did they get the excavator?

What's that? A Tomahawk?

So does the Joker.

With a catchers mitt.

That's called a montage. Even Rocky had a montage...

So it's only "lethal" because it's solid, like most other pens? Will this stab better than an all stainless steel Parker Jotter?

Satelittes are not people. I'm sure they can design the electronics to handle temps of 3-400 degrees.

Blinker fluid?