
I can understand your trepidation. But you can't deny you hear John Pike inform each person sitting on the ground. Not the ones standing/surrounding them. The ones directly blocking the police vehicle from proceeding. Now if you want to say that they were nixing free speech, they would have went after everyone.

Now playing

I can only offer this video: [] Where you can hear them threatening the officers with the above chants I described, and also watch John Pike warn them and shake a can of pepper spray longer than OutKast shakes a polaroid picture as a warning. Also note the presence of the pepper ball guns. If they

You mean a faulty overload transfer switch? I might have one.

Actually, they followed and surrounded the cops. The ones on the ground where blocking police vehicles coming in to remove prisoners and offer back up. They went up to each person who was blocking the road and told them they needed to move, and if they did not, force would be used. Each person acknowledged that

Do you rifle the barrels differently? I would imagine the vortices off each bullet would affect the others. Also, assuming the hammers are connected, the slightest difference in primer and charge could mean the expanding gas exiting the barrel on one side will impart force as the one next to it emerges into it.

You mean when they are sitting on the ground and also surrounding police, refusing to allow them to move, and chanting "If you let them go, we will let you go" and "If you let them go, we will continue to protest peacefully". Those are threats, my friend.

Actually, it doesn't. Many people are shot and don't realize it. Also, you start firing into a crowd, and you will get stampedes and crowd pushes, which no amount of bullets, short of an A-10 on the ground, could counter.

Don't things like MRI's also have ridiculously long boot up/shut down times?

700 yards away in line of site. Have three guys, all close, hide behind something and pop up. You can only target 1-2 of them. Boom.

Or just shooting the transmitter dish. That would counter it.

That was just the first image I stumbled upon looking up the phrase rocket munition. It's the fins that do it. Much like a canon, it's not the delivery vessel that is dangerous, it's the thing being delivered. Just like an old cannon ball can be filled with gunpowder, so could an un-demilled mortar round. I mean,

I'm sorry, Earth:Final Conflict was a GOOD series, and I liked the concept of the Skrills and the CVI's.

Really?! If you ever watched Earth:Final Conflict(which was a great, but underwatched series), you would know a Skrill can "shoot" with a variety of forces, and could incapacitate as well as destroy. It was also implanted on the forearm, much like this device: [] Not sure why this merited unstarring.

Lot's of oceans on Tatooine.

Been over 60 years. Patent would have surely expired. However, I'm pretty sure the copyright is still in effect.

I'll have the O2 tank on standby for when you pass out.

It's a Skrill! Someone else has been watching Earth:Final Conflict.

So Peter Jackson films at Helm's Deep, so Cameron has to one up him?

Worm sign would be a better choice.