Who? I'm not into much "non-traditional/mainstream" sci-fi.
Who? I'm not into much "non-traditional/mainstream" sci-fi.
So wait, by "engineer", you mean they used a hormone to make a recessive gene become expressed? If all it takes is a dab on a larvae, I would say that these are not "engineered", but these are "soldiers in waiting", waiting for a queen or other tending ant to activate it.
Wait a minute. I just did this same thing. I found some old photos from a storage locker clean out and scanned them and started putting them online: [imgur.com]
As an owner of an OLPC X0-1, they have always been talking about chargers being included, and all the great ones that were going to come out: [wiki.laptop.org] But they usually don't materialize in a significant form. I remember being excited about the yo-yo charger, because it could be used to charge an olde…
Get a EPIRB.
Either that, or the links to the site killed their servers, so they pulled the item to reduce congestion. Because I tried for 2 hours to get their site to load last night, and it wouldn't.
It's actually from Super Troopers II, meow.
Then you tell them that they were on fire/crashing when you did.
It's for mind control. Jesse Ventura told me!
Prove it. Show me the photos/videos which show the tanks and nozzles on jets that dispense the chemicals. Show me the storage tanks at airports that hold the chemicals. Show me video/photos taken in the plane by people as a chemtrail is being spread that sh ow it is coming from nozzles in the wing. Show me…
You forgot to mention Reddit.
Stupid people skimping on their zip ties. Mine use a piece of steel to lock instead of a plastic tab.
"...available in February."
I would wager that kidnappers won't waste the expense of handcuffs, and will instead opt for zip ties. When my Dad was covering large events back in the day, he had his issued cuffs, but also kept some zip ties in his hat, in case he needed to detain more than one person at a time. They are dirt cheap, untraceable,…
Well, when you hang out with Superman, it rubs off.
He looks like that Wookie pop star, Ke$hyyyk.
If there is a leak of that battery acid, that thing will burn a hole to America!
You just watched Stealth again, didn't you. You missed the whole point of the movie.
I'm sorry, weren't we recently supposed to decide who the resident coffee expert on Gawker was? I refuse to accept anyone's opinion but theirs.