
Output and input are two entirely different things. You can look over my shoulder and see what is on the ATM screen, but it doesn't mean you can see what code I am using.

From what I have seen, they do not use a keypad to fly, but instead a joystick: [] Any data from a keylogger would capture keystrokes, not data like what was clicked on, only that there was a click. Also, without the encryption codes from the control signal, those keystrokes would mean very little.

Because it was in a closed network/system located in America. While I am not up to date on how drones are programmed, I doubt that they receive their software from the computers that are flying them.

First they need to drain the fuel from it, then manually inspect every tank/the outside of the ship and locate any holes or damage that may have occured. Once that is done, then yes, they can use things like tugs in the water and dozers on the beach to push it to sea during the high mark tide for whatever season they

Where I come from, we call those things MailBoxes.

I agree. This is just like building the fake city in Blazing Saddles. The people think they are in the right town because everything looks the same, but they are 1/2 mile away.

I'm sure the sensitive data/software self destructs, while the hardware does not, just in case. You can always re-image a HDD, you can't unfix a hole in a platter.

They use it as part of a system. I have seen the Navy plotting courses using sextants and other "ye olde" things, and I know the Army teaches it's troops how to use a compass. So it's like how you use GPS in your car, but if it breaks down, you whip out the map.

No, they wouldn't build chucks of c4 into it, because it would have to be treated like a live bomb wherever it was. As for the cameras, you can easily build a faraday cage and also monitor any frequencies coming out of it.

The keylogger was found in the computers that the pilots sit at, not in the drones themselves.

You should trying f-ing ON a nuke. Chicks dig it.

Custom-Sized Condoms Are Now Legally Available

Remember the Twilight Zone movie that killed two kids? It's still there.

I'm still mad that I waited in line for the claw, and while it was loading, the site kicked me out.

I do not doubt it kills cells. But the things described in the article, mainly blood clots and post op infections can happen even in a patient that does not smoke.

Restricted blood flow/blood clots to areas in and around the operation site being a normal complication? Yes. Post-op infections along the incision lines? Yes.

eBay CEO. eBay owns PayPal.

The internet loves kittehs.

So it's smoking, and not just the normal possible complications from any major surgery? Correlation is not causation. A patient should know when it's a Dr.'s screw up, and not just them trying to blame you to avoid getting sued.