
And yet another author that didn't want to admit they couldn't see the emperor's new clothes and gave this company free press. Seriously, can anyone pass this commercial through a audio analyzer program and see if the necessary spikes are present?

So an IR camera or sensor mounted on the hull of a sub would pick this thing up in a heartbeat due to the heating of it? Good to know.

I'm guessing "working on it" is how we got in this situation.

China/Russia only has 30 miles of coastline?

Seeing as how tags in comments haven't worked for well over a year, even before the redesign and the re-redesign , I think looking into the avatars suddenly disappearing should be at the top of the real tech teams list.

Why did anyone tell them?! This could have been a great new movie, Weekend At Stolkholm.

It's not a misuse of the tag because tagging in the comments does not show up under the tag in a search.

But a link that does not show the comment linked to, which defeats the purpose.

It did take that in account here. It was adult bodies engaged in adult sex with the faces "crudely" shopped in.

Now playing

How about two people using the same keyboard at the same time to foil a hacker, and the "attack" is stopped when someone unplugs their terminal? []

It's my Taun Taun sleeping bag.

Why? Do you tie your shoes after you take them off?

It only broadcasts for 12 hours a day? My webcams broadcast 24/7 and there are 4 of them!

If they are smart, they use the same tech that Nascar uses, which is a circular lens that rotates a clean section in while cleaning off the section that is dirty.

Read my comment. I just said the ruling is correct by the law. I never said what he did was "