
Needs more Hilux.


I think I may put this on the top of my windshield:

Years ago I was passing a car who had on his RIGHT rear window a sticker that said “if you’re passing me you’re breaking the law”. Yes, he was clogging up the #1 lane probably getting angrier and angrier every time a car passed him. Stupid douche-bag.

I generally travel in the left lane and move over for faster vehicles; that way people getting on don’t have to worry about matching my speed.


While I appreciate that you’re looking for a more charitable interpretation, the fact that it’s an ‘attempt’ to obey the speed limit unfortunately leads me to believe that’s not the case.

The worst part is that you know this person hangs out in the passing lane, despite that fact that it’s just as much against the law as speeding...

I’m not looking at it through an F&F lens, I just told you I was in the import tuner scene for years before F&F came out.

Your argument doesn’t do anything to oppose the original post’s point that writers and journalists post pieces highlighting the city’s decay instead of anything good going on in the city. Nobody ever writes anything good about what’s going on in Detroit, only that there are abandon buildings. The fact that you live in

‘managing editor’ does not even know how to spell, severe.  This is the state of Giz... sad.

Or, today’s vehicles are built comically large for the environment in which they have to exist. 

It's the plant's way of commenting on the current state of the American automotive market.

“You mean you have to pay money for new cars? I’ll buy a gently used one in a few years.” - a Jalopnik poster before lamenting when Ford stops making them in 2027 due to low sales

I have some bad news for you sir. At CES this year Nvidia announced Gsync would now support freesync monitors (though, some don’t really work while others work awesome). It’s down to the implementation and gsync with the module has been rebranded. There are now a whole host of much cheaper monitors that Nvidia fully

I have some bad news for you sir. At CES this year Nvidia announced Gsync would now support freesync monitors

Oh think this atrocity is going to last for 20k miles.

He added that intake tract as a meager attempt to fool people, it’s decorative. In fact, you can see in the picture where the actual intake is (short aluminum tube that he stuck inside the black PVC tube running to the back of the supercharger). There’s nothing underneath the supercharger platform. Also, here’s

I mean, if you want a trashed engine with no A/C.  That supercharger isn’t connected to anything but the A/C pulley (which means the A/C pulley isn’t connected to the serpentine system).

Is nobody going to comment that this car is clearly NOT supercharged? It’s decorative, and apparently the car also now no longer has A/C as the A/C pulley has been re-purposed to “drive” the fake supercharger.