Ginger Snap


I starred your post because there are parts I agree with, but the cop in this thread seems pretty reasonable.

Yeah, try to find a pair of sub $50 bluetooth headphones on Amazon. Ratings are ALL messed up.

This is similar to how authors exploit the “Best-Selling Author” display on Amazon. By drilling down into micro genre they are able to get “Best Selling Author” accolades despite their “Best Selling” status having come from having the highest grossing novel in “Furry Spy Action Jane-Austin Style Cookbooks”.

Jeep. Wrangler.

You could fix that by hiring more women. The savings would be astronomical.

He was ON FIRE this week. I was literally clapping at points.

I work at a hospital so we just keep them in the morgue, it’s cheating.

Clever girl.

I loved “143. Jay-Z & Linkin Park, Collision Course” I don’t care what anyone says, fite me irl lol. That album was my jam when it came out. Combine hip hop with what was then my favourite band? SIGN ME UP.

If I could flip this 500lb behemoth of a desk, I would have. Ænima should not be fucked with. This is by a man who pretty much has made a living performing songs about his mother FFS.

Critic probably lives in California.

John McCain is one of those Senators that I feel most conflicted about. The guy went through shit and torture and for years was a moderate in the GOP but recently his devotion to Party Loyalty (seemingly thinking he’ll get something in return) has seen him hypercritically vote on bills for years now (similar to Ken

How could anyone vote for Trump.

Garamond is good, especially for printing. Deploying it as a default typeface is a little tricky. We deployed Garamond III (yes, there are different types of Garamond) at the school where I worked and it looked fuzzy, but that’s what the brand nazis wanted so that’s what was deployed.

“I’m what they call a connection diva,” McCaskill explained to me.


Baby Driver (2017)