
If you sample set is people who left I’m sure you will get people who didn’t like it. Reminds me of all of the car insurance ads: “People who switched to $INSURANCE_COMPANY saved an average of $LOTSA CASH“. Of course they did, they would not be switching if they were not saving money!

Refer to him as Drumpf from now on.

OMG, YES! That passage... people forget she could WRITE. It’s beautiful.

I have read it, as well as plenty of Little House related biographies (Wendy McClure’s The Wilder Life is a terrific, funny book!). They left the Big Woods when Laura was an infant, choosing to rent their log cabin and moved west to the LHOPrairie house. They moved back to the cabin when the renter/buyer stopped

Little House in the Big Woods really is great, isn’t it? That whole steady progression of preparing for winter—butchering the pig, smoking the hams, storing the pumpkins, tying up the onions—was so mesmerising to me as a soft city kid. It still is.

I’m just hanging in there for The Long Winter movie. I gots the hots for Cap Garland baaaaaaad. And also unsalted potatoes and bean broth and secret grain caches hidden behind false walls. The Ingalls’ give good story.

Only to their faces. But as soon as they leave the room, watch out!

But we will be extremely polite about it.

I like to think it’s Obama being Obama.

I know. And he says it in his last year too, as if he still isn’t used to it. And look at that picture of Lincoln on the wall. It’s all very poignant.

I know. He says the BEST things.

Definitely. It looks like she’s trying to keep her aim steady using her peripheral vision. And then does a extra little hip swing so that she can use her butt as opposed to the hip. A true professional.

I mean, if you watch just this video, it looks like he’s laughing at something someone said to him off-camera and wasn’t paying attention to the proceedings at all.

YES! I am 39. My 30s kicked my 20s the time I thought my 20s were pretty great. You’re still young enough in your 30s, but old enough to have a self awareness and confidence that 20s can only dream about. I snicker to myself when I hear people in their 20s crow about turning 30. Girl, you don’t even know that

Trust me, almost 39 isn’t as bad as the cold dread of knowing that I won’t be able to say “almost 40” for very much longer.

It means you are just old enough that you missed out on the horror. Although, you were probably just the right age for NKOTB...which might be worse :)


You’d be amazed how quickly it goes from Urban to The Sticks when you’re north of the Twin Cities (Bachmann’s former, now Emmer’s congressional district).

I somehow want these to be made into an advent calendar.

Eh, the only love I have for Wisconsin is our legit delicious port wine cheese spread. People try to claim folks are “so nice” here, but assholes abound.