I don’t know how the media at large can get this kind of information out to the masses without simply preaching to the choir.
I don’t know how the media at large can get this kind of information out to the masses without simply preaching to the choir.
That’s the million dollar question.
Oh, I know they don’t care. I’ve given up on them. It’s our senators and representatives we need to hound to uphold the constitution.
Dandelo is Pennywise, not Flagg.
Turtles all the way down. Lies! Sad.
Just some of the tweets.
I did the math on this and a straight proportional award of electoral votes gives Clinton 257.03, Trump 253.09, and Other 27.89. Normalizing the data and eliminating any candidate that doesn’t get 15% of their state’s votes (# picked because that’s the threshold to be in the debates) the result is Clinton 270.43,…
I’d like to see the “winner take all” portion of it changed, but that’s another issue.
My new band name.
It goes to the House and each state gets one vote, correct, but they have to vote for the top 3 electoral vote getters. In this case that would be Trump, Clinton, and whomever the Hamilton Electors agree to vote on (word on the street is it’s Kasich).
Others would argue that they are not ignoring the system but rather behaving exactly the way the system was designed.
You are correct. The goal of the Hamilton Electors is to vote for an alternative Republican that both Democrats and Republican electors can agree upon to show unity between the parties in protest of Trump. If they get 37 Republican faithless electors then Trump doesn’t get 270 votes and the decision goes to the House.…
Mayo is the devil’s condiment.
Breaking (from the Guardian): First Republican ‘faithless elector’ announces intent to vote against Trump
Here’s a list of who the electors are. If you live in a red state, contact them! It most likely won’t do anything, but I’m grasping at anything that will help.
You’re maybe not too far off. “The boy’s father — who is required to register as a sex offender for a prior molestation conviction involving a child under 14 dating back a decade, according to the Megan’s Law website — said he was lied to by a girl about her age that led to his conviction, and stressed it should have…
He says tomato, we say tomahto.