
But the full sentence is: “She is John Wayne being forced to play the Maureen O’Hara character.” That I agree with. I will concede that it was ill-placed to reference John Wayne in the sentence immediately following her assertion that KStew isn’t a limited actress. Although the point the author is making is that

Now playing

But, Guy on a Buffalo makes it look so fun and easy.

I didn’t say I was a fan. Not in the least. But I’m glad one of the other candidates won something last night.

This video is depressing, yes, but I am gleeful at his win. Hurray for the longshot and hurray for the little guy stomping all over Drumpf.


This is where you turn it into a fun bet. My husband has never seen Grease and I have never eaten White Castle. We are both in disbelief at the other’s poor choices. So, we have an agreement that he’ll watch Grease if I eat White Castle and vice versa. Ain’t gonna happen. It’s been a fun joke for years and now our

I loved the Long Winter! And we don’t live so far away from some of the Laura sites so my kids were particularly slapped into the reality of their pampered lives when they had to think about kids their age surviving blizzards in a shack.

My kids used to call that store the “Dead Zoo”.

I did this with my kids too and I hope when they are grown they think back fondly on that year. It was truly a magical time.

It was a gut punch. And illustrates everything that is wrong with this country right now.

That was a bump-into-him-on-purpose-to-make-him-notice-but-pretend-nothing-happened move if I’ve ever seen one. Definitely got his attention. They’re going to have sex in a bathroom for sure.

That’s what I see as well.

Exactly! I feel like I’m finally becoming the person I was really meant to be.

You are so, so right.

I’m almost 39 and I can’t tell ‘N Sync and the Backstreet Boys apart let alone understand this video reference. If that means I’m an old, I’m ok with that.

Minnesotan here. Because she was from the Minnesota 6th. It includes St. Cloud (which is explanation enough) and is a ridiculously gerrymandered district composed of the just-outside-the-twin-cities conservative areas.

YES! And that is what we are doing tonight!