Horns on the helmets of Vikings.
Horns on the helmets of Vikings.
What's up with the flurry of more SUVs lately? It's no longer the early 2000's. Porsche, VW (possibly with the 3row SUV), Lambo, Bentley, BMW, etc. I thought we were all buying brown diesel station wagons with manual gear boxes? Is gas cheap everywhere else except NYC?!
That'll be for the Morons Desperate to Prove Wealth demographic.
And then you take away all cargo capacity by putting a sloping rear hatch on the back and call it the X8! But still no modern Z4 M coupe....
here's a better picture
But vaginas are awesome.
Think of it as a FiveFinger discount.
The hits from Fiat Chrysler's five-year plan announcement keep on comin', but they're being relatively coy about…
Zipcar, the rent-by-the-hour car sharing service of choice for broke urban Millennials, has one hugely glaring and…
For the most part it does. Exceptions are few and far between. Topically speaking it all seems to basically be the same song over and over throughout the entire genre. Also swearing with such regularity that it's no longer an emphasis to a sentence but a place holder for other more descriptive and accurate words.
Once and for all I can finally rest at ease. I was correct that DMX's material was mostly "arf arf"
True. We've seen Helena get out of some pretty sticky situations. She may be more than a match for Henrik even when she's not at full strength.
I loved Cosima's Leekie impression. It just shows that even in the midst of a really intense episode, Orphan Black can do humour really well and not have it detract from the drama.
I knew some guys who took in baby skunks. They kept them in a build where they had some parrots. That was usually fine, but there was a thunderstorm, and the baby skunk got scared.
We need to do this here in USA, and get Catholicism behind it. I understand the reasoning behind the old rule to help promote and populate more people into Christianity through wars, famine, and plague, but we're in a new age now; the fact that the most powerful church doesn't push contraceptives more and supports…
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Fox always kills off what THEY don't think is right.
They call that "airing on Fox."
Airing the episodes out of order didn't help, but the show was so deeply flawed that season 2 would have to be a reboot, or at the very least push forward in a completely new direction than the first. I'm not surprised it was canceled and I'm not mad. The show failed on its own merits, as it should have.
So Fox aired the episodes out of order so that the character development and plot seemed Schizophrenic, put long breaks in between episodes and barely put forth any marketing when new episodes actually aired. I'm sure they are shocked it didn't do well.