Ghost of Rob

We know that a host of technological changes are coming to the Mustang, but the biggest change is the switch from a live axle to an independent rear axle. The Mustang's chief engineer Frank Davis didn't give a ton of details,other than the decision was made in 2009 when the new Mustang went into development.

The 2000 Cobra R has a normally aspirated 5.4 DOHC. The 2003/4 terminators were first S/C Cobras.

"The Pinto was not to weigh an ounce over 2,000 pounds and not cost a cent over $2,000."

  • "Fuck yeah!" Not included.

Ever get the front wheel on your bike stuck in a groove? This might not cause exactly the same effect, but disastrous all the same, I'd bet.

Yeah, but if you watch sub 8-second cars go down the track, you'll notice that they often drift left and right by several feet. That much power is actually very difficult to keep really straight. Most races wouldn't even finish if power cut after a few inches and then you'd have to control a powerless car while

Yeah, along those lines.

What do you suppose will happen when a skinny front wheel mates with the power grove at 300 MPH?

As I watched this one video, I saw at least four other cameras - and one passenger using an iPad - that were in front of our infamous cameraman at various times. That includes the guy who tried to open the door before the Rover bolted for the second time and the third guy to arrive in the chrome helmet as Lien was

Surely, she's including the wife and daughter in the suit. Wouldn't be very Allred-y if they didn't.

There have been companies making these for years and they've always been my favorite.

These are very ugly and have an added stigma as a bonus.

There is a metal plate with numbers and letters on it RIGHT THE FUCK THERE on the back of the vehicle. With two witnesses beside the frantic mother I'm at a loss as to why SOMEONE didn't look at it.

I'm betting it's there to keep eBay out of any litigation that may erupt over misunderstandings.

There were thirteen offers, the highest of which was $19k. So, that's still more than I would have thought.

That was a fake movie made for a car.

The pickup seems like nothing special, but the first thing I ever drove was my uncle's '70 C-10 on the farm when I was 13. I've owned several pickups and currently have a '52 F-1 project ongoing. I just have a soft spot for pickups.