
Doesn't get any crackpipier than this.

Is this a clip from the latest Final Destination movie?

I remember almost nothing about it except that my mother decided that the first thing I would learn was starting on a hill. You know, apply parking brake, release brake and engage clutch simultaneously. And this was in a '72 Toyota Corona station wagon where you pulled the parking brake out of the dash — to release,

Kudos to the Cayman owner for his willingness to loan you his car and for his most sensible instructions. Cayman or Modena? Yes, please.

Love the GIF. I agree — would totally take a shot at this car at a much lower price. As in MUCH much.

My first car was a '73 Vega notchback 4-speed manual, bought in '77 for $800. I loved the hell out of that car, even when it wouldn't pass inspection in New Hampshire because the rust holes in the fenders were too big. It was fun to drive and the mechanical hiccups I had with it were few and cheap/easy to fix. This

It's in great shape, but it's still a Tempo.

What's with grilles these days? Audi, Lexus, Acura, and now Toyota. It's a car, not a baleen whale. Hideous.

Are you kidding me? These things were crack pipes when they were brand new. You don't ever get to drive it because it's always in the shop.

Love Honda, but the early ones did in fact dissolve in water.

What the hell is so hard about slowing the f*ck down? I just can't understand how someone could drive down a highway in that condition at that speed (white van) and have absolutely no sense of what is going to happen should they be required to stop quickly.

Don't people who live in Wisconsin know better than to drive down a snow-laden highway at dry-condition speeds?

Rules for successful winter driving:

This sells because, yes, there IS a sucker born every minute.

Can't stop laughing about number 1. That thing is hilarious.

This was my number one dream car as a kid, and the sight of that beat-to-shit rear-quarter panel and paint job fill me with sadness (I think burnouts are idiotic, so I'm not watching video). My 8th grade English teacher had a green one. Whenever I saw her in it or near it all I could think was "you are not worthy."

I had a 2000 Honda Odyssey that coughed up its transmission like clockwork every 20,000 miles. Its pretty obvious they were putting in refurbished transmissions that still had the same design flaw, but the bottom line is that I got 3 replacements and paid not one dime. The last one was still going strong at 146,000

Is this a trick question?

I was ready to CP this one for no other reason than that hideous front spoiler, but as a former owner of both a Vega and a Mazda RX-7 GSL-SE, I'm won over by the engine and the upgraded interior. I can't see not getting $9000 worth of use out of this even if it comes apart eventually.

I appreciate the exterior styling of a nice car as much as anyone, but at the end of the day, you drive it from the inside. I can't think of anything more depressing than seeing that fairly convincing BMW exterior and then opening the door and remembering that I'm driving a bottom-of-the-barrel econobox. I mean, it's