You wouldn't want to do that....imagine a dozen drivers around you fumbling with their phones because they suddenly stopped working.......
I showed this to my she understands why I run a dashcam-and she wants one too.
Bought one of these new in 88 to replace my 80 Fairmont.....(I sure know how to pick'em).
His mistake was that he was going to fast to be going slow and to slow to be going fast.
Tara Llanes?
I've owned and ridden downhill bikes (it's been a few years) but I always wore a full face helmet, gloves, and body armor. From the short part of this video...looks like the guy shoulda been pedaling his ass off when he was coasting.
I test drove a new 1981 diesel Chevette back in the day.....worst car ever- I couldn't keep it in a straight line on the highway and it wouldn't go faster then 70 mph.
I was one car ahead of a similar accident several years ago and I watched the whole thing unfold as I watched it in my rear view mirror.
Haul a refrigerator.....fill the back with wet muddy logs.
I sat in one at the dealership when I was buying my 19,000 dollar Elantra last month. Nice car, but I have no frame of reference...I don't sit in (or drive) 60k cars....ever.
Plus it's one of the few vehicles pictured here that could conceivably be driven on actual roads.
Great article....I recently bought a 2014 Hyundai and I managed to beat True Cars best price by about 400 bucks.
If he's leasing the car...Tesla may have something to say, as it's not really his property.
In 1979, I bought a 1980 Ford Fairmont Futura. I had 2 options. Power steering and a rear defroster. 2.3 liter 4 cylinder, 4 speed.
It's a nice looking ride, but there ain't no way it will take any amount of abuse for any length of time.....