Batman doesn’t do subtle full stop, he beats up the poor and mentally ill and the current Batman is a corporate puppet.
Batman doesn’t do subtle full stop, he beats up the poor and mentally ill and the current Batman is a corporate puppet.
>D E X
daily dose
Whats the background for the top image?
If its hidden away and not being loaded up ever its not going to be a resource issue to leave it sitting in the data aside from space.
He’s literally made the same game four times by this point, there was no hope for anything he does from the start.
That’s completely different, Bethesda have a long history of leaving the fans to clean up their mess, even before they invented shitty DLC.
Something like 60% of all things going on in the game were Greeks trying to decided whether to castrate people or not before one of the more recent updates, massive performance increase when they fixed it.
Probably very little because at this point people that enjoy RPGs are not the target market, Fallout 4 did well and Fallout 5 will do well and be a lazier piece of garbage and probably will toss mod support completely.
If I had to pick between this and a $3000 gaming laptop I would probably pick the laptop even if it wasn’t quite as good. Fuck limitations if it isn’t portable.
The Brotherhood are the only decently written faction in the game and the only ones that actually have any lore from the other games, the only reason the minutemen are higher is because its the first thing you are introduced to.
They fucked up with software in general, look at car software drama going on.
I think I just had an aneurysm.
Its definitely worth playing, if its free then there’s no reason not to.
Look at that animation too, didn’t dogmeat look better in F3 when he walked?
Its not even set in the Fallout universe, its set in a weird pseudo-Fallout with elements from the Fallout series. They are even staying to their own side of the country so they don’t have to actually deal with the canon that was already in place and can act like the bombs dropped 2 years before the game started…
You could talk your way through the entirety of Fallout NV with some stealth involved.
Wearing the skin of a time travelling cyborg and beating up a demigod elf who’s soul usually just fucked off to space but got eaten by a time dragon was pretty sweet lore come to think of it.
Check out EYE Divine Cybermancy, doesn’t really go full way into it but some of the areas are insane.