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Wanna know how much more Canadian it can get from a Canadian?

For 5-6 grand it could be a fun car for a summer college student. For 15k it's a fun CP for Rob Ford or Marion Barry.

Honorable Mention

The wheels remind me of the 8-bolt rims on Pontiacs from the Sixites - like the Bonneville & Grand Prix -

Saw it - loved it... but, then again, I'm 50-something piston-head who remembers watching the real stuff as a kid!

I prefer the Canadian lighthouse version (at least I can understand what they are saying).

They don's teach common sense at NAS Pensacola anymore ? Clearly this guy wasn't trying to rip people off but just get some drama queen off his nuts about a ride when others needed it more (most likey for free).

It's hard to tell from this video what is actually happening, but it seems like:

I have a list as long as your bionic arm for this one! I hate almost everything about my 2040 Audi Wannamaker Justin Beiber Jr. version.

I decided at the old age of 15 that Michael Schumacher needed to be stopped immediately and that I needed to start driving race cars in order to end his reign of supremacy.

Wheel and Tire combo is awesome, especially the lightning stripes.

That wasn't an accident. That is a Russian anti-tailgate device....woah nice pants truck-driver!