
Looks like John Candy

3-series wagon

Wait a god damn minute!
Babies CAN fly?
I'm calling my therapist right now! False memory be damned!!

Need some clarity... do you mean with someone else?

did that thing just shit out a helicopter? duuuuude!?

A wee bit early for porn - isn't it... but... hey... what the heck... we are all adults here... aren't we?


Fuck in Russian is трахаться - which sounds like 'tru-hats-a'

SInce they are in the lower hemisphere - wouldn't the rope be pushing the front car?

I thought it was this family...

How 'bout 'The Ronnie Woody'

I give you 'The Robin Williams-mobile'

'V8 fists beautifully' - - - well - here's my V-8 FIST! KaPOW!

Give new hiree a 'golden parachute' to keep under their desk - - - thin the herd by having some actually contain cash instead of a canopy!

It was caused by Ahhhhnold's character Mr Chill's greatgreatgreatgreatgrandfather

My wife and I both slice our golf balls into a field of cattle. I went to look for them when I noticed one of the balls is sticking our of the cow's rear end. I lifted it's tail and noticed my wife's monogram on the ball - stuck right in the middle of the cow's backside. While holding the cow's tail up, I yelled to

Zed-twentyeight... that's right - I SAID IT! Bring it on pleebs!