Gene Sanchez Leeds

7 miles from my house. Anyone know if it had a vanity or dealer plate? I know a couple in CT and hope it wasn't those. :/

I was just at 9:50. That was the exact view from my room. w00t Uvita Costa Rica. I nearly died in huge storm while riding in a tiny boat heading back from the island you see in the distance.

My dad [I] taught me on his 96' Grand Sport. It was the only stick car we had. I drove it with the prom queen sitting on top for our homecoming parade. I had one lesson the night before and that morning I was thrown the keys and off I went. I picked up my friend who lived around the block and we made the


Shit. Did he sell his F1?!?!?!?

/discussion. I'd get mine just like that.

I hope the drive is ok. It would be nice if all the Ferrari's with their questionable racing maneuvers ended up not racing this way they don't take out any of the real teams.

Abarth....all the right sounds....nothing else.

I'm not above seeing what they look like on my JCW Cooper.

LOVE this movie.

Reminds me of my ride in P4/5C last weekend. lol

Can. Not. Wait.

F1>F40 all day every day

Very interesting that there's more posts than likes on Facebook.

Nothing at all.

Ferrari being NA is one of the only things keeping them on top of this game.