Gelver Aragon

@ubikblack: no!!...well, I guess i will have to rent it then, my roommate has a 360...and I will upgrade any way; there are some other PC games that I want to play.

I only own a PS3, but want to play Alan Wake really bad, so I will be upgrading my PC and enjoy it, plus some other Xbox360/PC games...I will not miss out any games any more...

I will go back to Uncharted 1 and aim for the Platinum trophy....I only need 2 more trophies to get platinum in Uncharted 2, but I've played it too much and will wait a couple months to get them because I don't want to get bored of the game...trophies needed: "Defeat 20 enemies with a single punch, after softening

@metalspector: ok. Where does he live? to go tell him personally...and get some pirated games while I am

@metalspector: there are no Pirated PS3 games...I believe.

@PsychoNun: Resistance had co-op split screen

found out that Roger Craig Smith went to my University(Chapman University)

@Ossidiana: Hell to the motherfucking Yes!!! I would like a 2D HD MK

question: Is it possible for me to get a star in Kotaku if I am using my facebook account?

@Ossidiana: I don't really care abut a new Mortal Kombat game anymore. I ma happy playing MKII on my PS3.

@Diamond Sea: You know what? now that I think about it, I don't thing ND will ever do Egypt. They like their games very colorful.

@PonPon The Amused: is there any mythical object that brings people to life?? because if there is, he could die, climb the gates and then be revived by a friend or creature..

@OkayOctane: very true. Atlantis has been done so many time already that it is not exiting anymore....

what should Nathan Drake's next adventure be?

@Alternate: ....and Business is Good!!!

@The_Virus: devs are human too.....they deserve some fun.

so...when ca we expect Pole Hero??

@JabbaB: I am fighting Hercules right now. on Hard.