Gelver Aragon

I will be going to an Uncharted 2 cinema even next Monday at Thousand Oaks, CA. I will get a chance to play uncharted 2 on a big screen. Best part is: tickets were free.

I already have RE5.... so they better release an update so i do not have to buy another RE5 to play with the motion controller.

wait!?! what?!?

I have an extra code for Uncharted 2 multilayer demo an i will give it away on the next article about Uncharted 2.

but i already have a wand? can i use my older model?

I don't use AXE products, but I don't hate it.

@Mikolai: I don't know if you read my comment....but I said the $200 dollar one...the arcade...the one that doesn't even come with a hard drive

Thank you guys....and girls

I have a question..

after reading so may articles and comments complaining about how much the ps3 costs, I can not understand how people can complain about that, if you think $400 dollars is a lot of money, that just means that you are eighter a 12 year old who gets his money from his mom, or a grown up man who lives in the basement of

I don't care what other people say...I really like the phat ps3...the design and the font....idk why people complain about the font....if looks awesome with the black.

i just wanted to share that my very first ps2 game was Jak and Daxter and my first ps3 game was Uncharted....two naughty dog games....thanx naughty...

He looks a lot like Solid Snake....but I don't know if it would be possible for him to be the boss at the end...but he! ....who knows

it took me a while to notice the moon.

funny how the PS2 still beats the Xbox360.

@Cavefish: Maybe this could be better:

Looks Beautiful, but I still want some Jak and Daxter for my PS3.