Gearhead's Garage

No, you don’t have to delete your posts... yes, (if he is a Honda employee) the guy will get fired.

Yes, I know first hand of people who took parts out the back door at a couple of different manufacturers... a couple of them lost their jobs over it.

Use all the berms!

It could be a lot worse... they could look like indy cars.

Sure, Ferdinand... whatever you say.

The Century is interesting for a few minutes, but very underwhelming when you drive it (and I’ve driven them many times.)
I’d rather have the original ‘64 Imperial that inspired it.

Because Elon said so.

“I drive the car every day it runs, which isn’t every day.”


Maybe not #1, but definitely in the top five... Chrysler Patriot.

This. DeltaWing is the poster child for Doing It Wrong.

Indeed. People in this part of the world have been fighting for what, four thousand years? And we think we can fix it in twenty?

Because he’s too busy going to Carmax.

The trick is, when you drop those tanks you want to make sure that 1) they’re full and 2) you drop them on the guys shooting at you.

Out here in Orange County, Ca, we’ve had one Sherriff’s car that has been stolen like three times...

Tacoma? It may never die.

The driver just didn’t carry enough speed to clear the jump.

Hahaha... you’re not the only one!

Proof that you can fail Marketing 101 and still be promoted!