It took them a while to recover from his mess...
It took them a while to recover from his mess...
Imagine being that woman's insurance agent...
The words "Honda Civic" and "street racer" are mutually exclusive.
A few letters for you: SCCA, STR. We don't get the supercharger in that class, but we have all the suspension and tire you would ever want, and enough horsepower (header, ECU tune, 7500 rpm limit, etc) to keep up with those pesky S2K's.
No... she's the Stig's hilbilly American cousin!
The exhaust is gold, the intake blue: what is missing is the intercooler and related plumbing.
No, the exhaust system is just not installed on the Mercedes engine: the exhaust ports are covered by bolt-on plates.
Sutcliffe has a great resume in touring cars, so I can guarantee he's had way worse moments than this!
Still, a class act when the first thing he does is check on his crash-mate.
It's the one marked "2". Try it...
Or at least their porn names...
Looks like a shopping cart to me.
Personally, I don't like it either, but look at their history: Muira, Countach, and now this. More than anything else, Lamborghini has always been about delivering the biggest serving of F-you! to the automotive world, and for that I admire them.
Wow... imagine what he could do if he ever discovers proper shock absorbers.
I call dibs on the engine!
"Place the vehicle into Service Position..."
So, all the flags at Citgo stations will be at half-staff this week?
Not bad, now try it at 60...
In industry-speak, we called this "consumer engineering." Many companies do it, but this level is unprecedented in the auto world.
Drink more.
Yes it is, and you can't have one. :(