Only the guys from Spinal Tap would roll this...
Only the guys from Spinal Tap would roll this...
Say what you will, if that trend continues I'm 100% in favor of reupping the funding.
@Timtoolman, now with power tools!: 42 cubic meter bucket... hell yes, 11,100 gallons in fact!
@Neener: Well, assuming the bucket was full, that's 92,685 lbs of water... from roughly what, 30 feet?
Bonus Jalop points for the jet turbine noises from the excavator... so that's what twin V16s sound like!
@lilwillie hides autos in the attic: You beat me to it. The post apocalyptic movie sets would be EPIC in that industrial wasteland...
The cordless impact wrench. Absolutely the best auto tool investment I have ever made.
$21K for a pair of turbos, intercoolers, radiator and tune? Is this tomorrow's NPOCP preview?
Remind me to never speed in Britain.
Could have been worse... imagine if she'd signed something.. errr, else?
@mr_dude: Nicely done.
Just like your corner dealer... First taste? A reduced price sampler, just to get you hooked.
The Crocs of cars... trendy early on, but eventually revealed to be utterly pointless. Not to mention smelly...
@Stoatmaster: "Reverse cowgirl" did not mean what s/he thought it did...
@SCROGGS!!!: Pennywise is only Tim Curry's second scariest role...
I can't be the only one disappointed that it didn't turn out to be 88 mph...