
The exhaust alone (look closer) would explain away the rumble...

Increase twenty horsepower? Good

@badco/LoJ: You forgot the pressurized-by-the-spare windshield wash...

@r0ver: That got you a <3 clicky...

I like the iQ

How long to Frankfurt? anxiously checks calendar

@MarkB: werd. I love mine!

The description had me right up to "Ostrich"... but then I looked at the photo.

I dream of some little evil land

anyone find a way to get the "HTML Comment Helpers" back on gawker sites after installing 3.5?

@trstn: Oddly enough, the "Better Lifehacker" is incompatible ;-)

The dragon's sexual revolution. Next thing you know it's Dragon Pride parades and a fight for equal warranties...

Absolutely awesome vehicle! Totally worth half that asking price.

@bmoreDLJ: I was gonna go with a Cheers era Kirstie Alley, but Kate works too...

@Ash78: Did GM buy the Galaxy name from Ford?

I just realized the "source" in the previous article was the D-OH! Congresswoman.