Thanks it fell off my head while I was trying to peak under that skirt.
Here, you dropped your captain obvious hat.
Oh. That’s why the PSVR sold so well.
just like being an american vita owner :(
This is Nintendo, I’m sure they’ve thought about durability.
It’s the whole show, the earlier episodes will start being released every week after Oct 30th.
This is the important question.
they need all the episodes.
It really is! I just wish that after having read enough monoliths to become almost completely proficient in the three alien languages, I could have understood more of what the Atlas said. All I understood was the word “beyond”, scattered in several places.
Redemption isn’t really a sequel to Revolver, I don’t think. More like a spiritual successor. So the “Red Dead Redemption 2" name fits.
That’s fucking Garfield. They put fucking Garfield in the game.
Oasis Games is gonna try to flood the PSVR market with as many games as they can make huh? Wow! So I guess we know who to blame when PSVR fails due to it having a ton of shovelware huh?
Seeing that opening GIF reminds me: Dead or Alive VR patch has dropped. I had completely forgot about that. Now my PlayStation VR stance has gone from “wait until you can find it cheap” to “I wonder which retailer still has it in stock?”.
CryEngine is a graphics (and mildly game) engine which leaves most of the basic game design choices to the game itself. I’ve played with it, along with Unity, Unreal 4, and Haxe/Flixe, and the key bit is CryEngine is NOT a total game engine like RPGMaker. It’s mostly about the rendering. You can have radically…
Because that news is three days old, which is when they ran that news on the front page.
“If you’ve never tried either [the Oculus or Vive], you’ll probably be more immediately impressed.”
I just suggest that everyone tries a demo station of PSVR.
To be fair, the first game suffered from coming out at a really bad time. The market was insanely saturated at the time, and Prince of Persia Sands of Time came out a week after it did, both produced by Ubisoft, so of course Prince of Persia got the focus of the advertising.