It’s old technology created for whatever they use for market distribution.
Either there are newer solutions that are only slightly more expensive or the longstanding monopoly on the tech leads to some creative accounting choices.
It’s old technology created for whatever they use for market distribution.
Either there are newer solutions that are only slightly more expensive or the longstanding monopoly on the tech leads to some creative accounting choices.
Some stores managed to get two sections per Nintendo system up here.
From experience, I’ve heard frisbee as well as coasters.
One let their dog play with it, very disrespectful.
It’ll be a digital download for the PS4. Just download away and you’re good.
Very little.
You could always pick it up again and use some of the revived interest in the forums to get help. I figure at two hours, you never made it out of the sewers right?
It’s most likely gonna be one of the premium titles.
Just noting that there are a couple of small connections.
There is a surprise post-game cameo from the first game.
The female lead Monica might be the daughter of the prince you save in Dark Cloud(same last names). This would make 2/Chronicles a prequel.
Weird right?
Hot Damn!*
This one, customizeable mech-Steve is best Steve.
It’s more or less the prequel to the planetbound White Knight Chronicles.
Hell, to get them back into continuity in the MCU, all they need to do is add in some mumbo jumbo after Infinity Wars.
Bar the next trilogy, The Secret Wars.
You know one of the finer details?
Near the end they note that as he was just whipping together universes without regards. It’s almost the same as the ending for convergence.
Everything is canon in it’s own ways.
Because Palmer decided to overdo the specs due to lower res having a “higher potential for motion sickness”.
I’m somewhat sure it wasn’t the launch price that everyone lost their shit over. It was annoying as hell. You waited for bundles and the 360 got a rather large market share as a result.
I’m a bit surprised they just didn’t show the Ridley comic from last week.
Just a repeat because Fahey went with the latest rather than the current weeks strip.
I would hope it isn’t gonna be that expensive.
If he does go for that much, then I’ll have to be blunt about it. Palmer Lucky would be a complete fucking moron if it priced itself out of the market.
Oh I’m sure that’s unlikely.
Statistically at least one percent of gamers this Christmas will be getting either a Wii U or the XBox one.
But why did you, it was a difference of less than 50, right?
Not as far as I can tell.