
I could sorta care less about the specific spelling of colour(is Canadian).
It's also to note that while it's a little jarring with a different VA for Luke, the clothes he is wearing come from the original trilogy so I'm just swapping it up to a "phase" he went through.

Best guess is that the PS4 build is finally stabalized.

Oh I got no doubt that there will be insomniac games on the PS4.
Now will it be the NC team or the Cali team...

Oh I just modified it so that the pun sounded more appealing.
Simply adding in stone, rock or something else stone based doesn't automatically make it sound fun.

I'd have gone with the Rockboy Advance by Nintenstone, but that's just me.

I figure it's just clipping.
At least that's the best I can estimate seeing how it's a 3D game.
The problem with any tech is that you can catch the stuff easy if they leave enough stuff.

You guys got a better track record than us(NA) for getting Level 5 games.

That's the power that a dumpster full of money has.

I was at one of the theatrical presentations. Outside of Little Big Planet 3, the announcement of a Grim Fandango remake was one of the loudest rounds of applause they gave.

Did you get information about a further suit against them?
They gave out a few more things in place of the protection.
Think it was an extra game or two.

Oh the Chicken Mega Mac is by all means actual chicken.
I would also say that because of the region it is also Halal. O_0

Sorta reminds me of one feature they removed from the Final Fantasy series(the world map). It was an interesting way to explore the game but I figure it was removed due to a lack of "Realism". Instead using a list once you got access to a airship.

Gonna have to say that the overall popularity of Minecraft is interesting
You think it might figure into the whole Adults are playing it cycle?
Where something has a large adult fan base, then whittles down to the young?
Could it reach a point of saturation in the next few years as something newer takes it's place. Such

The Playstation division is known for two things.
Amazing hardware and at points amazingly shitty marketing decisions.
Be it the overpriced Vita cards, lack of multi-media on the PS4 or poorly bundled accessories in the last few generations(Don't get me started on the PS3 and a second job). It's a lack of contact with

I'm expecting some manner of pre-E3 announcements from Sony.

The science behind your vision is that we all(most of us at least) see in 16:9.

I gave up the ghost for them when it hit that they've been doing nothing but UI work on the 360.

They are gonna be doing jack all in the meanwhile I figure.

Just a subtle reminder guys.
A few of these artists are gonna be at the Toronto Comics Art Festival.

Some of the rail based grinding is more of a riff from Ratchet and Clank to me.